Sunday, October 18, 2009

Design And Repeat Nedgraphics

Patchwork Marathon

On 24 October there are for patchwork knitting fans and those who want to be, the opportunity to learn in a one day workshop, the main themes of Patchworkstrickens by Horst Schulz repeat: Eckerln and its manifold possibilities, mussels and circles. There are still places available, please register with me necessarily!
Start: 10:00 clock. Date: When the smoke heads.
Cost: Per hour € 9.50.
I look forward to a great workshop!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Organization That Help People

knitting for managers

"In the United States has recently offered knitting seminars for managers. The organizers say that knitting is so relaxing as yoga. That one trains the concentration. The eye, the rhythm." Moreover, the cords in the group also einen hohen sozialen Aspekt. Es entstehen immer gute Gespräche und Diskussionen, da wird nicht nur getratscht." Diese Schulung der Kommunikation sei wertvoll, fast unverzichtbar.
Liest man die Seminar-Information, fragt man sich, warum Stricken nicht längst elementarer Bestandteil eines fundierten Wirtschaftsstudiums ist?"

– so ist es im Kurier online zu lesen (

Muss das Stricken für Manager wirklich erst aus den USA zu uns kommen, ehe wir seinen Wert erkennen? Mein Traum ist es schon lange, genau das zu unterrichten: Stricken für Manager. Ab fünf Personen. Details auf Anfrage. Ich freue mich auf ein rasantes Echo.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Steamer For The Knees

regular meeting for half an hour later offline

Am Montag, den 31. ist bei mir der reguläre Handarbeitsjourfixe, jedoch erst ab 19.30. Der Grund: Ich sitze auf der Messe in Krems in der Dominikanerkirche und sollte dort bis 19.00 Uhr die Stellung halten.
Bitte, kommt trotz des Dienstagstermins, da wir unsere Aktion für Samstag am Montag sicher leichter fertigstellen können als am Dienstag.
Liebe Grüße an alle von Ulrike

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cures For Stinky Urine

spindle is temporarily

Aufmerksame Leser haben es bemerkt: Die Spindel-Website ist derzeit offline. Ein Providerwechsel wurde schneller durchgeführt, als ich sie auf dem neuen Platz hochladen konnte ... Nun bin ich am Zug und muss mich sputen. Ich geb mir Mühe.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Acrostic Poem Genrartor

Freeform Knitting moved

Das geplante Freeform-Wochenende is split in two individual events. The first is next Friday from 15 clock, the second on Saturday, 4 between them can be "homework" done - July from 11 clock. There are still places left and returns to contact me. Participation only on the second date is not possible. I'm looking forward to start on all who dare, a sweater in the middle and then maybe make a cape or a super great shawl out of it! :-)))

How I Use Wellstraight

World wide knit in public today!

and the weather is so wonderful! We meet so effectively as planned in Krems on Trinity Place. Stool are some available in reserve, ideas, good humor and anticipation also what should I say long, I pack my z'samm and go knit! At 10 clock we go!
Love, Ulrike

Friday, May 8, 2009

Where Can I Buy A Ice Cream Sofa

freeform weekend

Who actually says that we should start a sweater always down? Exactly. When it comes
Freeform go wherever you want. You can knit or crochet, and then individual Fleckerln together - so it makes Prudence Mapstone, whose great works you can admire here - or to start somewhere and continued knitting around in any direction.
this issue is dedicated in June, two days before the World Wide Knit in Public Day. Places are still available!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Strongest Hair Gel For Twists

Worldwide Knit in Public Day on 13 June

Soon it is again: On 13 June is the global Stricktag. This year, we knit in Krems on the Trinity Square, 10.00 clock. We have a common project before: in each case the three of us are working on a cloth - everything about it and last minute changes here, in the weblog of the hand knitters guild. Please, look especially just before there here once in, to be sure that you see on any changes in the last minute!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do Jamaicans Have Any Traditional Clothes?

beginners course with new baby clothes

Those who knit long since ceased or have never learned to properly get a chance now. place in March in Langenlois a knitting class held for beginners, are knitted baby clothes, perhaps even in puppet format so that on one day and what is done.
When: Wednesday, 11 March
10.00 to 13 and 14 to 17.00 clock
Where: Langenlois, Zwettlerstraße 67
bring: Needles size 2 1 / 2 to 4, game and round needle, who. If not, can be borrowed.
course costs: 60 €.
Registration required, please tell me.
I'm looking forward to the course!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Converting Fixed Gear To Freewheel

given reason

Multiple I was asked whether appointments may be postponed.
can clear them as long as there are no applications.

for living further away prospective customers and interested women, there are two offers: Connect your knitting class with wine drinking at its finest - Langenlois is Austria's largest wine town and a visit to the dedicated vintners always worth it! On a non-knitting family members waiting for the Erlebniskeller Loisium world, swimming in the camp or in Kronsegger lake or a hike on the waiting Kamptal, from Cycling on the Danube and Kamp silent or to make a trip to the Wachau altogether.

Or would you prefer, a course would take place in your home? Also can be set up: Ask a few friends and friends together and book a course together. From five people I come to you from 100 km will be added travel costs.

Open Patella Vs. Not Open Knee Brace

knitting classes!

on the spindle site there are the current prices for the first half of 2009 - they look Just in the calendar.
for knitting enthusiasts will begin in February, a two-part Fair Isle socks course and a course in March, Elizabeth into the world of lace shawl, and it starts with a three-piece patchwork knitting course. The knitting weekend in May is a symbol of Norwegian patterns and June adds even a workshop on the double-side knitting, and a three-day intensive course Crazy Knitting.
I hope it is for many of you / you something, and look forward to your / your applications!