Monday, February 28, 2011

50th Birthday Invitation Ideas Hollywood

auch ein...

... porcupine wants time on his arm!

Hor Dourves Reception Display

and its consequences (2)

and - but no, this time everything as a list (as a warning to everyone on this problem area to watch):
- cutting out the affected parts of the bottom part
- sanding of the glue on the frames and moldings
- Grind ( to achieve a complete "throat" between the torso and later sawed Sperrholzzstücken)
- measuring and transmitting the Sägeform on cardboard
- cutting out matching pieces of wood from 1mm BI plywood (scroll saw)
- gluing
- grinding
- Kitten / spatulas
(In the photo, the state after gluing and trimming)

All in all, four Additional work hours ...

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... and its consequences

There was nothing for me when ...

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a mishap ...

... I have not been able to stick to the bottom portions of the bow hull flush. On both fuselage halves that were several millimeters (as you can in the photo only see bad), because the tape (Gewebeband!, not what is seen in the photo - this was only the protection against adhesive blobs) has yielded to the tension . A new attempt I had not know that from the inside Adhesive between frame and wall board was gone and the gap could therefore not be shut ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Driver Original Soundblaster Extigy

Es hackt - allerdings.

oh, well said, mme holofernes exactly So isses. For me cramping together in this campaign all.

edit: I was made aware of the link (beer colored text highlighted above) does not work, I got him once just renewed hope, now that makes sense. It is about the tabloids and their presentation / reception, in particular to this campaign, they so trivialized. The WE ARE HEROES see so and I found it well written ....

Friday, February 25, 2011

Side Bang Sew In Hairstyles Of Black Women


currently circulating on the net saying that roughly translated goes: And if it's not good, it is not yet final e. That's kind of always been my "over all" attitude was - beautiful, that someone has put into words.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hindi Names Of A House


spontaneously's at its best

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Water Disappearing Out Of Toilet Bowl


If Herpes Outbreaks Are Getting Worse

Heute morgen...

...habe ich diese kleinen Kämpfer gefunden. Sie haben die Bauzeit tatsächlich überlebt! Das freut mich gaanz besonders (und ja, so sehr scheint hier die Sonne heute).

Heute hätte ich eigentlich nach Hamburg fahren sollen, wo es nicht wettertechnisch, sondern jubelig-sonnig ist..ich wusste vor dem daily (blog) coffee gar nichts vom Freudentaumel, in dem sich Teile der Stadt befinden . Bei manchen ruht gar die Arbeit wie ich eben gehört habe. Wohl an, Boyz in brown!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Labelled Parts Of Ship Diagram

vom Freitag

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cubic Meters To Troy Ounces

wird. wired.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cooktop Replacement Cost?


... at the start. Nearly four weeks and now brand new! The whole day was here craftsmen Disco, et voila, the upper bathroom can bebadet and it can be re-cooked. How important this is, you can experience really after almost 4 weeks without food (2In old and 2 in the new house).
She is also - I think for now - it's a real beauty, just as planned. I'm glad!

the rest of today, that is once again the realization that building = adventure! is not addressed now, today, remains - hey, at the k-day;)

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das grosse G

Das ist einer der Buddhis, der hier die Szenerie bewacht, der schaut in genau das nämliche Badezimmer. Wie milde er doch lächelt. Geduldig. Geduld ist nicht meine Stärke, aber mit etwas Geduld wird es.

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Szenen eines Badezimmers

auf mehrfachen Wunsch ohne Hipstamatic ;)

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Herzstück - gehipt

spannend, spannend. s-e-h-r schön und etwas weniger gewöhnungsbedürftig als befürchtet. huiii!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shingles Under Babies

K-Day und noch so einiges

Our chairs are moved - last Friday. Many thanks to you and your organization in tip-top, which was very sweet and very tasty. In the last week has focused on the building site of "relatively little done in terms of the artisan side. Our Man of the Year alleridngs has finalized the cabinet, which is great. Tomorrow is key day, you'll forgive the pun. I'm sooo excited. Carpenters are also more and more house technicians and electricians, Bude full.

In order to promote the relaxation of some were bi chg mi (pun again) yesterday in the Turkish bath, as we see, at the same time beringelt. I wish you a beautiful evening!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Licensing A Tent Trailer In Ontario

Missing fittings already arrived

One or the other "help build" will have wondered: I had forgotten to tell that is already several weeks ago arrived a nice letter / package with the missing parts of the fitting set of Aeronaut with me . I am now on it there because I have just come with research on a post, in which a colleague complained that his kit was not complete ...
In this context I would be interested to know whether it is actually possible, "plywood panels," singly recreate - For example, in the event that you have messed up some beyond repair. Hopefully you do not rely ....

Letter Asking For Disconnection Of Lines

And you're not willing (4)

Here are the two bottom parts after touchdown! As you can see: The way to fix would have sufficed the psychopath in "Silence of the Lambs" for the honor. But the only way I could ensure that in the bow the stubborn soil parts stay really on the frames! If the triggers before the adhesive sets, then good night! The bottles lying in the rear are not the way, jet propulsion, but serves as a weight! The bases did not simply remain on the frames!

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fitting the bottom parts

Vor der Montage der Bodenteile habe ich jedes einzeln eingepasst und mit Gewebeband fixiert, um sicherzustellen, daß es nach dem Auftragen des Klebstoffes keine bösen Überraschungen gibt. Hätte ich etwas abfeilen müssen, dann hat man ein Problem, wenn der Holzleim schon auf der Leiste klebt...

Hier habe ich mir übrigens einen Fehler geleistet: Die Bodenteile müssen an der Innenseite abgeschrägt werden. Ich hab nun im Glauben daran, daß die Teile symmetrisch sind, an der falschen Seite gefeilt! Denn symmetrisch sind sie zwar, aber das eine Bodenteil (nur das eine!) hatte eine solche Krümmung, daß die Bootsseite, an der sie zu montieren war, nicht zu verändern war, ohne daß ich riskiert hätte, das Sperrholzteil zu brechen. Was also tun? Ich habe mich dann entschieden, beide Bodenteile sowohl innen, als auch außen anzuschleifen... Also passt auf, daß Euch nicht der gleiche Fehler unterläuft!

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KW 5: After installation of the side

Hier der Rumpf nach der Montage der Seitenteile. Die reine Bauzeit pro Seitenteil mit Einpassen und Anschleifen der Spitze im Bugbereich betrug ziemlich genau 1 Stunde. Der Schnellste bin ich nicht, aber ich habe Zeit ;-) Alles in allem - mit allen zusätzlichen Extras - rechne ich with a whole year construction period. (In spring and summer I will but the current impact rate can not keep.)