Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monique Parent Free Film

knitting meeting on Monday

On Monday, the 29th is when I knit! New books and ideas ready, the course program for the spindle erste Halbjahr 2009 ist auch schon online, und hier liegt so viel wunderschöne bunte Wolle, dass es mir in den Fingern juckt. Gefärbt hat sie übrigens Martina .
Mit einem Wort: Ich freu mich auf euch und auf Montag!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Bleeding From The Roof Of The Mouth

Behind the blue door ... Lace knitting

... tut sich was!
Kommt vorbei und schaut selbst!

Am 8. Dezember von 14 bis 18 Uhr

ist dazu Gelegenheit beim

Tag der offenen Tür

in der Zwettler Straße 67 in Langenlois.

Alle Neugierigen, die bisher nur dezent in das halboffene Tor hineingespäht haben,
sind herzlich eingeladen, sich dahinter genauer umzusehen. Bücher, Wolle, Kunst
und vieles mehr erwartet Sie!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Does Age Have Anything To Do With Bmi

Der Strickkurs dieses Herbstes widmet sich dem topaktuellen Thema Spitzenschals, Spitzentücher, kurz: Spitzen Stricken.
Es werden vier oder fünf Abende, am ersten wird das Prinzip besprochen und der Anfang gemacht,am zweiten, eine Woche später, werden aufkommende Fragen oder Probleme geklärt und der Weg frei gemacht für den großen Arbeitsblock, der dann folgt; dann ist Pause, während welcher jeder einmal "Meter machen" kann, sprich seinen Schal/sein Tuch so weit stricken kann, bis er wieder Input braucht. Danach folgen noch Termine zu den Themen Spitzenumrandung und Spannen.

Ort: Zwettler Road 67 in Langenlois
Time: 16 October 2008 at 19.00 clock
cost: 60 € for the whole course

Soul Eater Doujinshi Soul

Filzkurs in October

place in October at me Filzkurs, on two consecutive Fridays.
be on the first day felted simple things like a ball or a flat image to get to know the technology and the material.
On the second day felted hollow body like slippers, a hat or a bag. It is wet felted and (for participants aged 10) with the needle.
Who has already felted can attend only the second day of class.
The cost per day 35 €, material will be charged on the first 100 grams are free.
Friday, 3 d. October, 15-19 Clock, and Friday, 10th d. October, 15-19 Clock
Location: Langenlois, Zwettlerstraße 67th
Please log in binding, as is limited due to space reasons, the number of participants.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bangbros Declined My Transaction Why

Langenloiser children summer, we felt

the first appointment, there were 19 people instead of 13 kids all with whom I've searched, in the second session, it was instead of 13 kids all seven kids who came, like a girl not logged in - were the works but still worth watching. And it has been fun too. Next year?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Edgar Cayce Bell`s Palsy

New Weblog: Spindle land

activities of the spindle (for those who do not already know: That is my Wollproduktion und mein Laden) werden ab sofort unter Spindeleien vorgestellt. Hier geht es dann nur noch um Aktivitäten der Handstrickergilde.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How To Undercut A Bob Hairstyle

knitting-together in the summer

Ferienzeit hin oder her: Wir stricken! Am Montag ist es wieder so weit. 19.00 Uhr bei mir, ich freue mich drauf. Bis dahin: Warm anziehen, hier laufen die Eisbären rum...

Stain From Rubber Backed Carpet On Vinyl


Im August findet bei mir ein Filzkurs statt, an zwei aufeinander folgenden Tagen.
Am ersten Tag werden einfache Dinge wie ein Ball oder ein flaches Bild gefilzt, um die Technik und das Material kennen zu lernen.
Am zweiten Tag werden Hohlkörper gefilzt wie Patschen, ein Hut oder eine Tasche. Es wird nass und felted (with participants from 10 years) with the needle.
Who has already felted can attend only the second day of class.
The cost per day 35 €, material will be charged on the first 100 grams are free.
Friday, 22nd d. August, 15-19 Clock, and Saturday, 23rd d. August, 10-15 Clock
Location: Langenlois, Zwettlerstraße 67th
Please log in binding, as is limited due to space reasons, the number of participants. More
(past) events are arranged personally (almost) any time, like during the week. Do you enjoy with your preferred date for me, maybe it can be realized.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Pee A Lot I Have Kidney Problem

And so Schoenberg

Für alle, die nicht kommen konnten: So sah unser Stand in Schönberg aus. Martina und ich erhielten regen Zulauf von Jung und Alt, wenn wir die Spinnräder in Betrieb hatten – links im Bild mein Quaxi, rechts Martina mit ihrem Jack.
In der Mitte Mona, die ständig als Maxi angeredet wurde, bis wir dahinterkamen, dass Maxi ihr Vater sein dürfte … Mona wurde schließlich in Schönberg geboren.
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle für ihre Hilfe, allen voran Martinas Mann, der das wirklich wunderschöne Zelt aufgebaut hat!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Valium Over The Counter Canada

market presence in Schoenberg

Die Spindel und das Woll-Land laden herzlich ein zum gemeinsamen Marktstand am Schoenberger farmers market this weekend, so of 18 to 20 July Schönberg am Kamp. You can find us fairly close to the Musi and the great culinary corner. We simply gorgeous things around wool - Megan's stuff can be found on its website (, I have funny balls with and without keys, gneiss in sheep's clothing, Collier scarves, and of course Fexes wool, wool, wool offer. We look forward to many visitors!

Monday, July 7, 2008

How Much Does It Cost For Braces In Ontario

Oops - Should not

Our public Stricktag even making its way into the NÖN - but unfortunately without (at least?) Four ladies, who accepted the invitation to wwkip and have not found in Krems - where is also where we met but in Langenlois. The
does us very sorry.
We did not simply expected that someone will come without first in a log of us.
we do better. Definitely.
contrite greetings to all!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Next Step After Hydrocodone

happen again Again Knit in Public

At the risk that you think we do not have all the stitches on the needle: knit
We are now on Saturday in Langenlois where Zwettlerstraße, at number 67, from 10 clock. In any weather. Highchair available for coffee and tea is provided, Regina donated a cake.
end open. We look forward to many knit willing!
Until then, a great time!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Peter Green Schizoid Pd

New Post: The German Government

Energie for Mobil - Optionen, Alternativen ?

Alternativ Mobil , Optionen zum Benzin, Energie sparen,
Benzinpreise auf Rekordniveau : 1971 -> 1L = 0.303€ Mai 2008 -> 1L = 1,501 €
Alternativen: Muskelkraft Gas Elektro Solar Wind Tiere Frittenfett Rapsöl Dampf Holzvergaser Brennstoffzelle....................................... Weiter

Friday, February 29, 2008

Sand Volleyballl In Las Vegas

nuclear bunker for sale

Geheimhaltungsstufe COSMIC Top Secret Top Secret NATO Secret Confidential CONFIDENTIAL Restricted VS-RESTRICTED USE espionage atom bomb spy Cold War USA America Russia Germany Nato UN bunker bomb 3.We ltkrieg Nukliar death after 30 days enemy attack shelter shelters Wikoch Ramer Bach Ahrtal Bonn government Notkabinett emergency civil protection final destination 007 Bonn Berlin Ahrweiler West East Konflickt Spying spy cold war the USA America Russia United Nato UN bunker atom bomb atom bomb 3-rd world war Nukliar death after 30 days enemy attack protective space protective rooms Wikoch of brook Ramer Ahrtal Bonn government Notkabinett crisis civilian clothes protection final destination 007 west east Conflict defense soldier troops
documentation site bunker from 1 March 2008 opened

origin of the documentation site
was the "government bunker,
Emergency seat of the constitutional bodies
the Federal Republic of Germany

opening times for individual visitors
Wednesdays - Saturdays - Sundays and public holidays from 10:00 to 17:00

Admission: 5,00 € uro per person,
free for children under 12 accompanied (guardians).
Reduced Price: 3,50 € uro per person

The government nuclear bunker r, in the Official German " Emergency Seat of the constitutional authorities of the Federal Government in the crisis and defend the case for the performance of their operation ', and was reserved only for 3,000 VIPs from the military, politics, economy and society.
Not even the closest relatives of the "saved" it would be allowed to seek protection!
Apparently you better prepared than in 3000, where Colonel Villa said bitterly in the face of a hopeless Earth evacuation plan: "I ask: Who are these 0.25 per thousand which survive dürfen? Wer wählt sie aus? Wer hat das größere Recht zu leben? Wollen Sie das vielleicht entscheiden?"

Der Bunker wurde Ende der 50er geplant, 1971 fertig, 1997 aufgegeben und zurückgebaut.

Journalisten herausgefunden haben, daß man in Regierungskreisen der Sicherheit des Bunkers nie so recht traute und lieber auf Evakuierungsplan B setzte:
Ausfliegen nach Florida!

Codename: Rosengarten

Herr Groß macht eine Bunkerfahrt

Bonn /Berlin: Deutschland verkauft den Regierungs-Atom-Bunker

Independent, The (London), Nov 24, 1998 by James Roberts:
Wilfried Koch up the nuclear Bunker in the Ahr valley

WHEN THE German government moves lock, stock and barrel from Bonn to Berlin next year, there is one item ministers will not be able to carry with them: 18 kilometres of nuclear bunker, hollowed 100 metres into a mountain in the Ahr valley, 20 miles south of Bonn.

The complex was developed from what before the First World War was a train tunnel, and then in the Second was used by the Nazis to assemble V-2 rockets.
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When the Cuban missile crisis brought the world to the edge of nuclear catastrophe in 1962, Germany's leaders decided to take precautions against the world not being so lucky next time. So they secretly granted themselves pounds 1bn to make a bolthole where they could while away the long hours until the Earth became habitable again. Now, with fears of nuclear attack sinking back into the Cold War shadows of the dying century, and Nato no longer so anxious about losing Germany to the East, the vast 1,000-bedroom shaft is up for sale. There have been 100 inquiries, and 16 offers so far - one prospective buyer wants to grow mushrooms in the complex, another thinks it would make a good wine cellar, and yet another wants to make it a very long luxury hotel that is also a monument to the Cold War There would have to be a few improvements on current facilities.

There were no apparent recreation facilities for former Chancellor Helmut Kohl and his 3,000 or so underlings - just a reading room with a poster of a Caribbean sunset. Even the Chancellor's room itself resembled a monk's cell, with a tiny bed that could hardly have accommodated his 300lb frame - unless it was anticipated that he would not be eating many of his favourite cream cakes during his stay.

Bibliography for "Bonn's nuclear bunker for sale"
James Roberts "Bonn's nuclear bunker for sale". Independent, The (London). Nov 24, 1998. 30 Jan. 2008.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Much Is Property Tax In Katy

End of the Cold War?

The Museum of the Cold War Opens its Doors as from March 2008

Model of the future documentation site. In the left wing, which is to be reconstructed, is the entrance area, in the new building on the right is a cinema theatre, also exhibition areas, on the upper floor is an office. In the centre, with the original entrance area, building 123, is the entrance to the interior of the bunker. Copyright: hwk-koblenz/ (Emergency Seat) For decades the government bunker in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler was the most secret building complex in the Federal Republic of Germany. The end of the East-West conflict sounded the death-knell of the monstrous complex. It is now being converted into a museum.

From 1. March 2008, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler will boast yet another tourist attraction with the Museum of the Cold War, the documentation site of the government bunker. Idyll and politics are merging in a unique alliance. In the era of the Cold War the subterranean building was officially known as the "Emergency Seat of the Constitutional Organs of the Federal Republic in case of Crises and Defence". The Emergency Seat was originally a 19-kilometre-long subterranean network of tunnels. It contained 895 offices, 936 dormitories, five canteens and command centres, a dental surgery, a medical unit and a hairdressing salon. In case of war 3,000 persons from public life were to be protected there from a nuclear, biological or chemical attack. The most expensive building complex in the Federal Republic of Germany was not officially closed until 1997. From 2001 to 2006 Europe’s largest bunker was finally dismantled by the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning. The infrastructure installed in the tunnels disappeared.

As unique as the Berlin Wall

Building site in summer 1962: the foundation for the exterior building 123 is laid. It is the first of the four great entrance areas to be constructed and is the only one to have been preserved in its original state, as it was in operation for decades. From March 2008 it will be the entrance to the museum. Copyright: hwk-koblenz/ In a 200-metre-long section the museum now shows original installations and equipment. Based on plans by the Bonn architects Schroeder and Schevardo, an adjoining reception centre has been constructed in front of the actual bunker. This accommodates the reception and an information and exhibition area. Visitors are informed about the history and technology of the former government bunker by an exhibition and by films. The actual entrance to the bunker is situated behind the foyer. Only this section of the former tunnel network is open to the public, yet the complex already conveys an indelible impression of the "Cold War" scenario after taking only a few steps inside. A feeling of claustrophobia is inescapable. The temperatures sink in comparison to the outside world, the air humidity rises. Since former members of staff have trained as guides for the public, their descriptions will contribute to reviving the era when the Great Powers were at loggerheads and threatened one another. The Museum of the Cold War is a fortress of the nuclear age. For Jürgen Pföhler, chief administrative officer of the district of Ahrweiler, the new museum has a significance "comparable in its uniqueness to the Berlin Wall." It is an original site of the Cold War, the only one of its kind in Germany.

For the conversion of the bunker the Federal Government has provided funds amounting to 2.5 million euros. The organisation in charge is the Heimatverein "Alt-Ahrweiler" (a local conservation association), which with acquisition of the museum assumes responsibility for the budget. There is no further support from the Federal Government or the regional authority. The Federal Government remains the owner of the gutted tunnels and areas surrounding the exterior buildings.

Interview with Wilbert Herschbach, chairperson of the Heimatverein Alt-Ahrweiler, future operator of the Museum of the Cold War

Wilbert Herschbach, Chairperson of the Heimatverein `Alt-Ahrweiler´; Copyright: Ines Gollnick Mr Herschbach, without the Heimatverein Alt-Ahrweiler the project involving the reconstruction of the "Government Bunker" could not have been realised. What motivated you to take over the operation of this documentation site?

The project had developed positively – from an originally empty tunnel to a museum equipped with exhibits in one section of the former bunker. We can once again restore some rooms to their original state. With the section that, due to its historical and political significance, has not been gutted, we can tell a very important story: we say – we never want war here again. We want to showcase the history of the Cold War and get our message across, in particular to young people. That’s our motivation.

What message is to be conveyed on the tour, what should be triggered in the minds of the visitors?

Being in the bunker is oppressive. And when you get to the end of the gallery, you stare into a long, straight tunnel. It’s a really spine-chilling experience. When you then leave the bunker, you realise what was going on there. You reflect about what was happening back then, the arms upgrade of the Super Powers. I believe that people develop a different consciousness of co-existence and co-operation when they come out of the museum.

You are expecting visitors from all over the world. How are you preparing for this?

A bunker and its way into the museum. Entrance area east, where the construction work involved in the conversion into a documentation site will be completed by the end of 2007. Future visitors to the museum will stroll along this path. Copyright: hwk-koblenz/ (Emergency Seat) We have been developing the project for two years and are currently working under high pressure. Meanwhile we have trained 40 guides. Two museum educators are concentrating on the topic of the Cold War and how to impart it to school classes. So I believe we’ll be able to cope with any enquiries.

In what way are contemporary witnesses, i.e. people who worked in the former government bunker for decades, mostly under the seal of secrecy, particularly suited to carry out what may be termed political education in the museum?

Contemporary witnesses were aware every day that there was a nuclear threat. They went into this bunker with the consciousness that something could happen. They knew that they sustained the Federal Government’s ability to govern with their work. The former employees should tell people how they lived. This is important. We have authentic descriptions from the contemporary witnesses, who can also say exactly how everything was controlled. They also staged tests. They rehearsed the emergency situation. They can convey this far more vividly than someone who lived outside and gleaned his/her knowledge from books.

What do you think is the reason for most of the visitors to come here, or to put it another way, what awaits them?

Building stop: for years the sign `From this point on change nothing! Museum.´ On the wall of the tunnel informs on the border between preservation and eradication of the building complex from history. Copyright: hwk-koblenz/ (Emergency Seat) 3.000 people were to survive 30 days in the bunker in order to prepare a possible counter-attack. Where and how would they have lived? This is an interesting question. It’s simply fascinating to enter another world. A civilian society lived in a parallel world. Getting to know this other society – this attracts visitors.

What influence, in your opinion, can the documentation site have on the here and now, for nuclear threat is still a topical issue?

We have been living without a war in Europe for 60 years. Anyone who comes out of the bunker should be aware of this. Visitors should think about how we can motivate politicians to act responsibly in the interests of the population. I think it’s important that we function like little wheels. The more people we can influence in this way, the more we can bring home the threat of that era, which still lingers even today, the greater the consciousness of the need for future action.

Text and interview: Ines Gollnick, free-lance journalist in Bonn

Translation: Heather Moers
Copyright: Goethe-Institut, Online-Redaktion

Any questions about this article? Please write to us!
December 2007

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Link zum Handout

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government bunker in Ahrweiler, Germany

istory shelters formerly in place to protect civilians. The ministry said such rooms were no longer necessary because threat scenarios had changed.

Though the ministry made the decision in May, the Bonn-based German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BKK) only announced the move this week.

The BKK said the shelters would not offer sufficient protection in the face of terrorist attacks and added that only a portion of the German population would find space in the rooms.

Some said other uses could be found for the structures, like this bunker turned penthouse
Maintenance for the bunkers and shelters has cost the government 2 million euros ($2.7 million) per year.

BKK spokeswoman Ursula Fuchs said the Institute for Federal Real Estate would take care of selling the government-owned bunkers. Shelters to be sold also include those located in subway stations in several major cities. Most of the protective structures were built during World War II. Some of them were integrated into an "Emergency Program" developed during the Korean War in the 1950s. Additional bunkers were refurbished and expanded in the 1960s during the Cuban missile crisis when the Cold War came closest to escalating into a nuclear war. Following the end of the Cold War, programs for refurbishing bunkers and other projects for installing civilian shelters came to a halt in the 1990s. Some historians have said they hope at least some of the bunkers will be kept intact so future generations can visit the structures and see information material common when the bunkers were built, such as a poster of a man hiding behind a tree with his briefcase in front of his head. The poster's headline read, "You're better protected this way!" This year a bunker near Bonn, the former capital of West Germany, that would have housed West German government officials in the case of nuclear attack will be opened as a museum documenting the Cold War.

DW staff / DPA (als)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

He Follado Con 13 Años

state secret - Top Secret


: COSMIC Top Secret NATO Secret is treated in Germany as NATO SECRET is treated in Germany as CONFIDENTIAL
is treated in Germany as TOP SECRET

NATO Restricted is treated in Germany as VS-RESTRICTED USE

lampshade in Chic of the 60 (equipment of the President living in the part east / East, Plan 22) tunnel system under the vines at Marienthal in the Ahr in the Official German to give up.
In autumn 1997 the Federal Government to " Emergency Seat of the constitutional authorities of the Federal
" as the
19 km was a long

Last year it was approved by the Federal Property Office of the head finance office in Koblenz, just like a normal flat offered private interests to buy, but found no use concept. Therefore, the bunkers will be built within 2 years back. Until the year 1989 are regularly held exercises WINTEX / CIMEX for the real thing. Anyone driving through this tunnel, the time of the "Cold War" still has the neck.

Baby High Chair Cover To Replace Old

War Games - Top Secret

In the time of the Cold War to the year 1989 in the Bunker Marienthal exercises were regularly held for the real thing. At the NATO exercises
a giant underworld consist of 5 self-sufficient buildings for 3,000 people, members of government and administration, parliament, Bundesrat, Constitutional Court and the Military Command Centre, which should be here for 30 days to survive nuclear war.

WINTEX / CIMEX involved up to 2,000 selected security clearance, which were brought from the ministries in Bonn by bus to the "outpost Marienthal. Since these were top secret until to 18-day missions
, none of the participants were allowed only tell anything about this action. Even the spouses and children mightest know nothing about the stay of the participants.

on world maps of nuclear war was rehearsed.
In of 25 March 2001 remembers Horst Meixner:

The world's largest nuclear shelter
lies in the Rhineland in the Ahr near Bonn.

3000 civil servants in Germany should
emergency rule from here. Now the
is filled bunker. recalls one participant
at the secret training missions

end of the seventies I was asked first whether I
was willing to participate in an exercise in the so-called Marienthal
. Together mit anderen, beim Bundestag angestellten
und auf ihre Sicherheit hin überprüften Beamten sollte ich im
Verteidigungsfall für das Notparlament arbeiten. Seine 48 Mitglieder,
Abgeordnete des Bundestages und Mitglieder des Bundesrates, hat
man gesamt dort aber nie gesehen.

Unseren Angehörigen durften wir nichts erzählen. Erst recht keinem
dritten. Trotzdem war es immer ein offenes Geheimnis. Sobald sich
die Frauen der abwesenden Beamten trafen, hieß es: «Na, ist dein
Mann auch im Ahrtal?» Meine größte Sorge war es damals, bei
späteren Fahrten nach West-Berlin Probleme mit der Einreise zu
bekommen. Natürlich gingen wir davon aus, dass man in der DDR
wusste, wer an den Übungen teilnahm: Mit einer guten Kamera
konnte jeder die Eintreffenden am Bunker fotografieren.

In die Eifel fuhren wir mit Bussen nach einem Alarmkalender, der
jede Maßnahme content and time stipulated. The meaning of such
planning was recognized at the latest before the bunker, what would have been
when around 2,000 people with luggage at the same time
single inlet port would arrive? bring a radio,
was forbidden. There was no newspaper and no phone call to
outside. It was virtually cut off completely from the outside world
. We arrived at the lock, took place on
an electric carts and was then driven to predetermined sections
in the bunker. First impression when driving through the
concrete pipe: The continuous air circulation optimize. How much that
I noticed in the first sleepless night.

My second impression: The bedroom is spartan and Kärger
set up as a prison cell. Tables, chairs, cots and
the essentials of laundry. In general, it
were four-bedroom, one Problem with colleagues in shifts. From
second or third day was the sense of time lost because people
constantly in artificial light was staying. Amazing how quickly the body reacts

Some colleagues had just a few days because
sleep and impaired concentration, increased blood pressure or aggression
temporarily or permanently leave the bunker.
"bunker Koller" called this Half an hour forced
stay in the fresh air but brought more problems than it resolved
, because then you had to settle down again.
hard to imagine how to react in a real stressful situation
. Since it was good to know that you are as a civilian a few days
exercise participants, while the military up to two weeks

Accommodation is divided into civilian and military,
men and women. There was alcohol prohibition. Thus, it
was later than the third day ago. Someone had organized wine
of the Ahr. Someone asked after how he was referred
to the "pipeline" from the nearby vineyard
. That was first hidden and later celebrated openly
, we also noted on dealings between colleagues - on
confidential "du" from people who a few days in office before
were still at a distance.

Because the emergency parliament should meet for political reasons in the bunker not
and possibly only individual members occasionally
appeared, it was for us little work and much, sometimes too much
time to discuss and ponder. For example, on the question: What would
if we now have the real thing, and you could not even call the

Quick repress the thought, fortunately
is practiced. According to my memory many of us were already
believe that under the overall political situation
a serious East-West conflict, large-scale no longer

© Berliner Morgenpost 2001
Excerpt from: Post

opportunities for peaceful conflict resolution and eliminate the causes of conflict without the use of military means

Elmar Schmähling
(CIMEX stood for civil-military cooperation)
...... the bi-annual major NATO exercise
CIMEX", the civilian Mitübenden from state and local governments dismissed always hurry when the questions about the arrangements for the survival of the population were urgent. Up to the present is the question of the survival ability of people in time of war is a taboo, while easily new weapons systems for defense, then war in Germany to be procured. .......

Geenen, Elke M. WINTEX-CIMEX 1989 in Schleswig-Holstein. Results of a sociological disaster-monitoring study. KFS-Publication No. 2, Kiel 1990

The original American plan for the destruction of Greece and Yugoslavia

Americans decided not to war in one night. The war was planned for years, since at least 1981 under the name
After a long period of preparation during which the CIA gave them control of the drug route to Europe and trained and armed KLA, have been developed, where the war and NATO with a pretext to attack Yygoslavia. Similar movements were planned against Greece in 1996, when U.S. close to a job step from attacking assume came from Greece. Der amerikanische Plan war, daß Jugoslawien in einige Stunden fallen würde und der Angriff nicht mehr als 3-4 Tage würde dauern müssen. Dann würden die NATO-Kräfte Griechenland in Angriff nehmen, um Thrace, ein Teil von Macedonia und Aegean Ostmeer auszuschneiden und sie unter türkische Besetzung und surveylance einzustellen.

Zwei Faktoren überraschten die Amerikaner. Das erste war der Widerstand Serbian, den, das vollständige NATO-Militär herausfordernd, bearbeiten Sie. Die Sekunde war das antiamerican Gefühl, das in Griechenland stieg. Für Jahre geben USA große Mengen Geld für Infiltration aus, um Griechenland zu ein hypnotized Land zu machen. Die fierceful griechische Reaction and the direct opposition to the Greek collaborationist government of and to the American plans, each attended by surprise, as this has shown to everyone that non-Greek people to the new iron curtain insertion.