Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baby High Chair Cover To Replace Old

War Games - Top Secret

In the time of the Cold War to the year 1989 in the Bunker Marienthal exercises were regularly held for the real thing. At the NATO exercises WINTEX / CIMEX involved up to 2,000 selected security clearance, which were brought from the ministries in Bonn by bus to the "outpost Marienthal. Since these were top secret until to 18-day missions
, none of the participants were allowed only tell anything about this action. Even the spouses and children mightest know nothing about the stay of the participants.

on world maps of nuclear war was rehearsed.
In of 25 March 2001 remembers Horst Meixner:

The world's largest nuclear shelter
lies in the Rhineland in the Ahr near Bonn.

3000 civil servants in Germany should
emergency rule from here. Now the
is filled bunker. recalls one participant
at the secret training missions

end of the seventies I was asked first whether I
was willing to participate in an exercise in the so-called Marienthal
. Together mit anderen, beim Bundestag angestellten
und auf ihre Sicherheit hin überprüften Beamten sollte ich im
Verteidigungsfall für das Notparlament arbeiten. Seine 48 Mitglieder,
Abgeordnete des Bundestages und Mitglieder des Bundesrates, hat
man gesamt dort aber nie gesehen.

Unseren Angehörigen durften wir nichts erzählen. Erst recht keinem
dritten. Trotzdem war es immer ein offenes Geheimnis. Sobald sich
die Frauen der abwesenden Beamten trafen, hieß es: «Na, ist dein
Mann auch im Ahrtal?» Meine größte Sorge war es damals, bei
späteren Fahrten nach West-Berlin Probleme mit der Einreise zu
bekommen. Natürlich gingen wir davon aus, dass man in der DDR
wusste, wer an den Übungen teilnahm: Mit einer guten Kamera
konnte jeder die Eintreffenden am Bunker fotografieren.

In die Eifel fuhren wir mit Bussen nach einem Alarmkalender, der
jede Maßnahme content and time stipulated. The meaning of such
planning was recognized at the latest before the bunker, what would have been
when around 2,000 people with luggage at the same time
single inlet port would arrive? bring a radio,
was forbidden. There was no newspaper and no phone call to
outside. It was virtually cut off completely from the outside world
. We arrived at the lock, took place on
an electric carts and was then driven to predetermined sections
in the bunker. First impression when driving through the
concrete pipe: The continuous air circulation optimize. How much that
I noticed in the first sleepless night.

My second impression: The bedroom is spartan and Kärger
set up as a prison cell. Tables, chairs, cots and
the essentials of laundry. In general, it
were four-bedroom, one Problem with colleagues in shifts. From
second or third day was the sense of time lost because people
constantly in artificial light was staying. Amazing how quickly the body reacts

Some colleagues had just a few days because
sleep and impaired concentration, increased blood pressure or aggression
temporarily or permanently leave the bunker.
"bunker Koller" called this Half an hour forced
stay in the fresh air but brought more problems than it resolved
, because then you had to settle down again.
hard to imagine how to react in a real stressful situation
. Since it was good to know that you are as a civilian a few days
exercise participants, while the military up to two weeks

Accommodation is divided into civilian and military,
men and women. There was alcohol prohibition. Thus, it
was later than the third day ago. Someone had organized wine
of the Ahr. Someone asked after how he was referred
to the "pipeline" from the nearby vineyard
. That was first hidden and later celebrated openly
, we also noted on dealings between colleagues - on
confidential "du" from people who a few days in office before
were still at a distance.

Because the emergency parliament should meet for political reasons in the bunker not
and possibly only individual members occasionally
appeared, it was for us little work and much, sometimes too much
time to discuss and ponder. For example, on the question: What would
if we now have the real thing, and you could not even call the

Quick repress the thought, fortunately
is practiced. According to my memory many of us were already
believe that under the overall political situation
a serious East-West conflict, large-scale no longer

© Berliner Morgenpost 2001
Excerpt from: Post

opportunities for peaceful conflict resolution and eliminate the causes of conflict without the use of military means

Elmar Schmähling
(CIMEX stood for civil-military cooperation)
...... the bi-annual major NATO exercise
CIMEX", the civilian Mitübenden from state and local governments dismissed always hurry when the questions about the arrangements for the survival of the population were urgent. Up to the present is the question of the survival ability of people in time of war is a taboo, while easily new weapons systems for defense, then war in Germany to be procured. .......

Geenen, Elke M. WINTEX-CIMEX 1989 in Schleswig-Holstein. Results of a sociological disaster-monitoring study. KFS-Publication No. 2, Kiel 1990


The original American plan for the destruction of Greece and Yugoslavia

Americans decided not to war in one night. The war was planned for years, since at least 1981 under the name
After a long period of preparation during which the CIA gave them control of the drug route to Europe and trained and armed KLA, have been developed, where the war and NATO with a pretext to attack Yygoslavia. Similar movements were planned against Greece in 1996, when U.S. close to a job step from attacking assume came from Greece. Der amerikanische Plan war, daß Jugoslawien in einige Stunden fallen würde und der Angriff nicht mehr als 3-4 Tage würde dauern müssen. Dann würden die NATO-Kräfte Griechenland in Angriff nehmen, um Thrace, ein Teil von Macedonia und Aegean Ostmeer auszuschneiden und sie unter türkische Besetzung und surveylance einzustellen.

Zwei Faktoren überraschten die Amerikaner. Das erste war der Widerstand Serbian, den, das vollständige NATO-Militär herausfordernd, bearbeiten Sie. Die Sekunde war das antiamerican Gefühl, das in Griechenland stieg. Für Jahre geben USA große Mengen Geld für Infiltration aus, um Griechenland zu ein hypnotized Land zu machen. Die fierceful griechische Reaction and the direct opposition to the Greek collaborationist government of and to the American plans, each attended by surprise, as this has shown to everyone that non-Greek people to the new iron curtain insertion.


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