The supply of power
Power Supply The supply of power
The supply of power is ensured by the rotor power supply company RWE at 2-over points. Electricity costs of about DM 50,000 per month were not uncommon. Even after turning off the air conditioning, heating and other less important parts of the plant and fall in emergency lighting still cost of 20,000 DM per month for the 5 autonomous bunkers. In order to
marine diesel in East / West Each of the 3 marine diesel provides help about 1,000 hp
The supply air for the marine diesel
Willi Maxrath at its diesel
turbocharger the ship's diesel for more power. In the foreground a AEG-generator can be seen.
are at the shelter, the ceiling supply air dampers and the cooling of the engines.
marine diesel component in West / East
New engines
generators to the marine diesel
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